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Season 1

Niqueea gives an introduction on who she is and what she does. She goes over the foundation of the Scriptures, Stories and, Strategies Podcast and its purpose for female content creators and online entrepreneurs.

In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and, Strategies, Niqueea breaks down the story of “The Widow’s Olive Oil” found in 2nd Kings Chapter 4. She teaches us how we can apply the lessons of this story to our business strategy and mindset. What’s your Olive oil??? Make sure you listen all the way through to answer that question in the comments. Stick to the end where Niqueea shares The Scripture of the day and ends today’s lesson with a prayer. Listen to the episode

In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and, Strategies, learn how to use the Biblical practice of Tithing as an equivalency to consumers investing within your services. First, let’s talk about the benefits God promises to those who tithe. Then, we will use that to create valuable benefits and promises to people who decide to invest their money and time into a service you offer within your online business. Listen to the episode

2020 has been a year of highs and lows. In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and, Strategies, Niqueea shares her highs and lows of 2020. She then provides you with scriptures to help you start thinking positive thoughts. Start your 2021 mindset off the right way. Listen to this episode

Welcome to the first series here on the Scriptures, Stories and Strategies Podcast called “Spiritual Gifts in Business”.

Each and every single one of us has natural talents. For Christians, we also have a spiritual gift given to us through the Holy Spirit, from God. In this series, you will learn what spiritual gifts are, how to determine yours (episode 2 in this series) and, how to use them in your business and career (episode 3 in this series) Listen to this episode

Welcome to the series: “Spiritual Gifts in Business”.

Each and every single one of us has natural talents. For Christians, we also have a spiritual gift given to us through the Holy Spirit, from God. In this series, you will learn what spiritual gifts are, how to determine yours (episode 2 in this series) and, how to use them in your business and career (episode 3 in this series)

This is the second episode of the series and in this episode, Niqueea teaches you 3 ways to find out what your spiritual gifts are. Then, she breaks down the characteristics of the 7 spiritual gifts.

Make sure you take this quiz below to find out what your Spiritual gift is. Use it as a tool to aid you in understanding your spiritual gift once God tells you what it is.

Take the Spiritual Gift Quiz

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Welcome to the series: “Spiritual Gifts in Business”.

Each and every single one of us has natural talents. For Christians, we also have a spiritual gift given to us through the Holy Spirit, from God. In this series, you will learn what spiritual gifts are, how to determine yours (episode 2 in this series) and, how to use them in your business and career (episode 3 in this series)

This is the third and final episode of this series and your host, Niqueea, is teaching you how your spiritual gift can be used to maximize your influence within your business! By this episode, you should already know what your spiritual gift is.

If not, take the quiz below AFTER you pray and seek your answer from God first. Niqueea goes in great detail about each of the 7 spiritual gifts and explains the characteristics of each and how you can use your spiritual gift within your church community as well.

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Do you ever find yourself wrestling with God about the gifts and plans he gave you for your business? Do you ever compare yourself to others’ success within their business?

What about feeling just discouraged in your business because you just feel like you’re not growing and you feel like you have nothing to offer or that no one is listening. You’re not alone.

Niqueea, your host, discusses her raw and real emotions about her struggles with God and his plan for her within her business. She shares the story of Moses and how God equipped him in his journey but he argued with God first.

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In this episode, Niqueea beings on her first guest! Kayla Grinalds is a Christian Life Coach for New Grads and she breaks down 4 necessary guidelines when it comes to setting goals in line with God when it comes to your business and personal life.

You can find Kayla at or on Instagram at @kaylagrinalds

Season 2

In this episode, Niqueea talks about the many obstacles we will face within our faith and business journey and how to overcome its struggles using the Story of Joshua and the fall of Jericho as a business lesson and guide.

When we choose to follow God, you must understand it’s only the beginning of a life long process. Similar to when you first launch your business, your success will be a long life process. As Jesus’s followers, we can expect to undergo constant testing and refining throughout our years.

 Just like on every new stage of our business cycle, you are constantly testing new marketing tactics, providing new services/products, trying out new social media platforms, business strategies and refining our business system process over and over again as the time changes.

The purpose of all that constant struggle when we are Jesus’s followers is to ultimately resemble Christ! And the purpose of our business struggle is to become the best female entrepreneur we can be for God, ourselves and our community. Remember, struggles lead to change in behavior and changes lead to strength, so we struggle in certain aspects for our life for a reason.

If you aren’t aware, it is said that the Golden Rule of Relationships is to do onto others as you want others to do unto you.

 This verse comes from Matthew 7:12 which says “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” and has so much meaning not only in personal life but also within building meaningful relationships in business.

Today’s guest is special friend and bad ass fempreneur and I have personally noticed how amazing she is at building genuine connections and nurturing those relationships on social media and within your business. 

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In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and, Strategies, Niqueea talks about how comparison and jealousy within our business journey can be detrimental to our Godly success.

 Niqueea uses the first 4 chapters in Deuteronomy to explain the negative affects of jealousy and comparison and how to overcome those objections by building faith. Everybody is on a different path and we can’t judge someone else’s success based on what God may have promised to them.

Listen in on how you can build your faith stronger to avoid turning to jealousy and comparison on your business journey. — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

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As Christians, we are called to stand out. Today we are joined by influencer, podcast host of You Can Sit With Us Pod, and Christian entrepreneur, Brittany G. She talks all about how to be a godly influencer in a secular world.

Watch Brittany’s podcast on YouTube here

In this episode I invite Jen Davis to speak about breathing life into your brand and creating a brand identity. Jen Davis is the CEO & Creative Director at Hello June Creative, a brand and web design studio that builds modern feminine brands and digital experiences.

Brand identity is that special sauce that makes your business unique and different from every other business. To create a brand identity, you have to breathe life into words of the owner’s vision and bring them to life; similar to what God did to Adam in Genesis.

Genesis 2:7 says “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”  Make sure to go follow Jen over on Instagram @hellojunecreative and her website at

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In today’s episode we invite Talia Lopez, a Christian business coach, to talk to us about “Living by Faith” within your business. Sometimes as humans and as Christian entrepreneurs we struggle with doubts about God’s power when it comes to the growth of our business.

Maybe because he hasn’t answered a prayer or answered it in the way you expected. What you’ll learn in this episode is that this doesn’t prove He is unable to do what we desire; it just demonstrates He had a different plan in mind for you.

Listen to Talia’s episode

This is the most heaviest topic I have filmed to date and it was weighing heavy on my heart to film. In this episode, I share my testimony of being a Christian and the dangers of dabbling in New Age Practices without really knowing I was.

I invite back my friend Brittany to also share her testimony of being a Christian to heavily practicing new age and back to Christianity again. Please do your research on New Age. These are our stories and we want to discuss the dangers of New Age to Christianity.

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This episode is all about the benefits and struggles of being a Godly Influence in the Business World. The foundation of this episode is based on Lydia from the Bible in Acts 16:14-15. Our special guest this episode is Isis Woods aka The Sales Guru and Successful Entrepreneur and Coach. She takes us under her wing and shares how she influences the business world as being a Christian. Scripture includes many examples of righteous women who were influential in their generation. One of the most successful business women in the Bible is Lydia. From context clues in the Bible, we can also assume she was also the head of her household, an employer of others, and a woman of great Christian Faith.

Follow Isis Woods on Instagram

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Life is really just one continuous series of decisions, especially within running our own business. However, we are not left to figure it all out by ourselves.

God has given us directions for wise decision-making and promises of His divine guidance if we’ll listen to Him…but what if we listen to the wrong people? Or worse, not listen to God at all?

God provides other people who can help us when we don’t know what to do. But we must be cautious because not all advice is beneficial. Our goal should always be to seek godly counsel first, that will aid us in discovering God’s will. Today’s guest is Kahlea Nicole, an Influencer and Influencer Coach, is going to share some insight of listening to ungodly advice while running her business and how listening to the wrong advice has negatively impacted her business in the past.

No worries though, you’ll learn what she has learned in order to help YOU not make the same mistakes within your business and give you advice on how to hear God’s voice and discern facts from fictions from ungodly counsel.

Follow Kahlea on Instagram

Visit Kahlea’s website:

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This episode is all about The 10 Ways to Overcoming Opposition when Building Your Business. The truth is, not everyone in your business journey is going to want to see you succeed. This is especially true for Christian Entrepreneurs.

There opposers you will have to face within your business journey and there is a right way to handle them. This episode uses the story of the exiled Jews rebuilding the Temple after King Nebuchadnezzar captured them and exiled them into Babylon for around 60-70 years.

You can find this story in Ezra, Chps 4-7. Listen to understand the 10 ways you can overcome opposition in your business journey today. Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who may need to hear it. God bless you in your business journey!

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Season 3

This episode is all about The 10 Ways to Overcoming Opposition when Building Your Business. The truth is, not everyone in your business journey is going to want to see you succeed. There opposers you will have to face within your business journey and there is a right way to handle them. This episode uses the story of the exiled Jews rebuilding the Temple after King Nebuchadnezzar captured them and exiled them into Babylon for around 60-70 years. You can find this story in Ezra, Chps 4-7. Listen to understand the 10 ways you can overcome opposition in your business journey today. Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who may need to hear it. God bless you in your business journey.

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Today’s episode includes a special guest, Ashley Molina who is the Health Coach of Mindful Manna. In this episode she is going to talk about the importance of hormonal cycle syncing and spiritual nourishment. We will also be diving into the 4 phases of Hormonal Cycle and how to sync your cycle with your business plus, what foods are best (and to avoid) during each phase of the hormone cycle. You can find Ashley on Instagram @mindful_manna or at

Check out her website,

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King Solomon was known as the wisest and wealthiest person to have ever lived. His kingdom flourished and there’s 5 main reasons why it did. In this episode I’m teaching you 5 reasons why King Solomon’s Kingdom flourished and how we can apply these same principles to your own business.

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Jesus was a great story teller and marketer. This episode dives deep into how Jesus successfully advertised his ministry to convert non believers into believers. In this episode, your host Niqueea, will teach you how to run advertising campaigns successfully in your business and see an increase in long term conversion by looking at the 3 ways Jesus advertised his ministry. Make sure to follow The Marketing Prophet on Instagram and on Pinterest @themarketingprophet

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In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and Strategies, your host Niqueea teaches you how to use Nehemiah’s Prayer to the Lord as your Business Prayer Strategy using the P.R.R.A.Y Method. The P.R.R.A.Y Method is a prayer method you can use to pray for success in your business within God’s will.

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In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and Strategies, your host Niqueea dives into the dangers of overworking and not getting enough rest when you’re running your own business. She uses scripture and stories from the Bible to support how God says we should handle our work/business.

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In this episode of Scriptures, Stories and Strategies, your host Niqueea dives into understanding what God defines as success and if your business is successful in God’s eyes or just successful in this world.

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When you’re running a business, it’s very important to know the condition of your business as well as understand economic and political changes in advanced to prepare your business for uncertainty.  In today’s episode, your host Niqueea dives into Proverbs 27:23-27 and 2 Chronicles to break down the importance of understanding your business analytics and business foresights.

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In today’s episode, we tackle the importance of emotional wellness within Entrepreneurship or life in general using the teaching of the Psalms. The Psalms gives voice to the deep emotions of human life and our special guest, Hanha Parham (Christian Author and Speaker) walks us through how to deal with our emotional well being according to God’s word. To learn more about Hanha, visit
Check out her FREE resources : Jesus is Bae and #TheConfessionsProject Movement
In today’s episode, we’re diving into the importance of rest and why working in God’s rest can help you achieve business success. This episode features a special guest, Susan Fleming. Susan believes Business was never meant to be toxic to the other areas of our life and that most of us have learned the wrong way to work in business. She is the owner of Heaven to Earth LLC and is also a Business Alignment Therapist who equips established Kingdom leadership to multiply Legacy, Impact, Freedom, Energy (LIFE) without burnout! Her mission now is to impact entrepreneurial culture with a new way to operate in business. She’s all about ditching the hustle and working from God’s rest because His intention for us was always partnership, not performance.
Visit Susan’s website

Season 4

In today’s episode, we’re applying judgment day to our businesses. Would they pass the test of fire? Would they reap rewards? It’s a fun perspective to understand if it businesses are fostering the kingdom or are for selfish exploits. Your host Niqueea, dives into 1 Corinthians 3:5-15 to apply Jesus’s judgment day process to your business as a Christian entrepreneur

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In today’s episode, our special guest, Leah Darrow, a Christian Mindset Coach and former contestant on America’s next top model, sits down with us and explains to us how we can improve our personal development within our lives and business by understanding, not Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs but… God’s hierarchy of needs.

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In today’s episode, we dive deep into the story of Ruth and Naomi to understand God’s purpose and presence within our work. We are joined by Dr. Amber Joy Daniel who is a prophetic teacher, worshipper, author, wife, and mother, who brings a lightness to the ardor of self-work. As a Destiny Strategist, she has led to her clients experiencing monumental shifts namely in the arenas of marriage, finance, career, clarity, and inner healing.
Purchase and read Dr. Amber’s historical fiction biblical novel, Destiny Survivor.
Take the Destiny Diagnostic quiz
To Learn From Dr Amber How To Quickly Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be
Learn more about Dr. Amber at
In today’s episode,  your host Niqueea gets vulnerable about her recent business trials and finds the truth of her business trials within the book of Job. If you’re in a season where you feel like your business is failing you and God is failing you, you’re wrong, and here’s why by applying the book of Job and God’s response to Job to your business trials.
Did you know photography means “drawing with light?” And who created light? God did! (Genesis 1:3). In today’s episode your host Niqueea and guest Rhodes Blake discuss how you can find beauty in everything when facing challenges or need a reminder of what God has done for you, using the art of photography. 
In this episode, your host and sister in Christ Niqueea takes you deep inside the first 9 chapters of 2nd Chronicles to give you the best 10 steps to starting your business with God. |
To learn more about the Pinterest marketing course mentioned in this episode, visit
To learn more about the SEO Course mentioned in this episode, visit
In this episode, your Host Niqueea, you will learn as a Christian business owner, how to change your finance and money mindset using scripture from the Bible
To learn more about the SEO Course mentioned in this episode, visit
In this episode, your Host Niqueea and a special guest, Jane Trapman (founder of Born to Fly Podcast and Entrepreneur Community for Christian Entrepreneurs) talks to you about the importance of being involved in community, inside and outside the church.  
To learn more about the Pinterest Course mentioned in this episode, visit
Learn more about The Born To Fly Podcast and Community below

In this episode, your host Niqueea, is diving into facing spiritual attacks towards your business from the devil and his demons and how we can protect ourselves with spiritual weapons.

Here are some YouTube Sermons from Pastor Dr. Charles Stanley that I found very valuable about spiritual warfare when I first learned about it.

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In today’s episode your host, Niqueea, dives into a new business series called “Women of Wisdom” series where you’ll study the story and loves of specific women in the Bible and how to apply their story to your business. In this first episode of the series, we are introduced to Lydia, a Christian Greek Gentile. Listen as we peel back the layers of her story and apply it to your business.

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Season 5

In today’s episode, we’re applying judgment day to our businesses. Would they pass the test of fire? Would they reap rewards? It’s a fun perspective to understand if it businesses are fostering the kingdom or are for selfish exploits. Your host Niqueea, dives into 1 Corinthians 3:5-15 to apply Jesus’s judgment day process to your business as a Christian entrepreneur

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In today’s podcast episode, with your host Niqueea, we’re diving into the topic of how we can get the most out of our work when it comes to being a Christian entrepreneur or even working for someone else. God commands us to work, how is your work impacting your walk and others? Listen on to learn 5 ways to get the most out of your work!

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In today’s podcast episode, with your host Niqueea, we’re diving through the study of James 1:2-4. From this scripture, we will break down 3 steps to persevere through business challenges when you feel like giving up.

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It’s almost 2024 and Q1 and in this episode of Scriptures, Stories, and Strategies, we’re breaking down toxic narratives we as Christian entrepreneurs tell ourselves while running our business and detoxifying those narratives before Q1. We are joined by a special guest, Andrea Anderson, also known as the Business Detoxer and she’s teaching us today how we as Christian entrepreneurs can start putting God in the driver’s seat of our business, exposing the lies we believe as Christian entrepreneurs, and realigning your business with God
In this episode, your host Niqueea is diving into Jesus’s last message on the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 27:24-27. This episode is all about pulling back the layers of your business’s foundations and helping you decipher if your business was built on sand or on rock and could weather any storm coming it’s way.

In this episode, your host Niqueea’s welcomes in another special guest to talk about how Christian parents who are also business owners can leverage their leadership style within parenting using biblical principles. Today’s guest is Katy, founder of Covenant Collections.

Listen to her episode


Katy’s 12 Day Challenge starting Dec. 1st 2024 to help parents create a biblical parenting action plan.

Katy’s website:


In this episode, your host Niqueea uncovers the top 3 secrets of successful business decision-making under pressure for Christian entrepreneurs through the story of Rahab in Joshua 2. In this episode, you’ll discover how Rahab’s ancient wisdom can guide you to make bold, faith-filled choices in your business endeavors.

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In this episode of Scriptures, Stories, and Strategies, your host Niqueea welcomes in the new year of 2024 and reminds Christian entrepreneurs Who God is and how they can serve God within their business in 2024.

Join our community of over 5500+ Christian entrepreneurs wanting to learn how to include God in all business aspects. NEW BRAND FOR CHRISTIAN ENTREPRENEURS LAUNCHING FALL 2024!

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In this episode, your host Niqueea walks you through the 3 step biblical process of reversing financial downfalls based on money management guidance from scripture.

More resources

Podcast Episode: Let’s Talk Money: 15 Finance + Money Management Wisdom Tips for Christian Entrepreneurs

Listen here:

YouTube Video: God & Money | 7 Ways to include God within your Finances

Watch here:

Join our community of over 5500+ Christian Entrepreneurs wanting to infuse more of God within their business

Join our email list here:

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Jesus is the greatest storyteller of all time and marketing is all about stories that convert. Today’s episode is joined by special guest Crystal Honeycutt, a social media and brand marketing expert. You’ll learn tips about how to grow on social media using parallels between the strategies employed by Jesus in his earthly ministry and effective modern-day marketing. Visit Crystal’s website:

Listen to Crystal’s Episode

More about Crystal:

Crystal Honeycutt has helped hundreds of women navigate the world of social media using ethical business principles rooted in their Christian beliefs. Crystal a certified Brand & Marketing Specialist and certified Project Manager with 23+ years of experience. She specializes in opening the line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to help business owners get projects done effectively & efficiently, while having fun along the way! ​Crystal’s passion is helping women grow their businesses and reach their potential while retaining their focus on God, never forgetting they are good enough as they are and are worth being loved. Crystal believes you can, and should, be true to your faith when representing yourself online.

Season 6

On today’s episode, your host Niqueea brings on another special guest, Dr. Latisha Lewis, to talk about all things worldly success vs godly success in entrepreneurship. Dr. Lewis is the founder and pastor of Kingdom Living International Ministries, founder of Kingdom Living Entertainment (a Christian entertainment streaming service), and the author behind her newest book “Too Fly For God” in which she talks about her inspiring journey from worldly glamour to spiritual surrender.

Listen to Latisha’s episode

In today’s episode, your host Niqueea, and special guest Andrea Swammer talk all things wise counseling when it comes to running a business. It’s almost impossible to scale a business with only 1 person because you limit yourself to resources, knowledge, opportunities, and so much more when you don’t have wise counsel as part of your business journey. In this episode, we’re talking about the power of wise advisors in business growth using the story of Moses and Jethro in Exodus 18.

Who is Andrea Swanner?

Andrea Swanner, is a wife, mom to five, multi-business entrepreneur, and business nerd. As a strategic partner and business consultant, Andrea is passionate about empowering businesswomen with heart-led missions to serve by helping them boost and bolster their business operations by offering consultancy and strategic partnerships. She is a two-time stroke survivor who is determined to live each day within her purpose. She is a lover of historical fiction novels, Bible studies, tacos, and 80s hairbands and an advocate for finding and pursuing your talents and using them to serve.

Listen to Andrea’s episode

Join us in this episode of Scriptures, Stories, and Strategies with your host, Niqueea, as we explore the heart condition of Christian entrepreneurs in their approach to money while applying the lesson from John 12:1-8, the story where Mary anoints Jesus with oil and we find out the true condition of Judas’s heart. Are you more like Mary, with a heart of devotion and stewardship, or are you leaning towards Judas, prioritizing worldly gain over spiritual values? Discover insights and reflections to help you align your financial practices with God’s principles and fulfill your purpose as a faithful entrepreneur. Tune in for a revealing heart check that may reshape your business mindset and priorities.


Relevant Podcast Episodes on Finances:

In this episode, we are joined by your host Niqueea, and special guest, Cienna Kopischke, a seasoned sales coach. In this episode, we’ll explore the biblical wisdom behind effective sales strategies rooted in love, integrity, and respect for tradition. Through this podcast episode, you will learn about sales, how it aligns with Boaz’s approach to acquiring Ruth, and how it relates to modern-day sales challenges and opportunities for service-based business owners.

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In this episode, we are joined by your host Niqueea. You’ll explore how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ arrival and ministry and apply it to how you, a Christian business owner, can create a promotional strategy for a new business or product launch.


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In this episode, we are joined by your host Niqueea. You’ll explore 6 key questions on understanding all you need to know about business goal setting with God. Questions that will be answered include:

  1. Is it OK to Create Goals for Our Business?
  2. Why Is It Important to Include God Within Our Business Goals?
  3. How Do You Know If a Goal Is from Yourself or God?
  4. How Can We Include God Within Our Business Goals?
  5. What Do God-Fueled Goals Look Like?

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In this episode, we are joined by your host Niqueea.

In this special episode, Niqueea is thrilled to introduce her new brand, Dual Citizen! Dual Citizen is dedicated to empowering Christian entrepreneurs by providing Bible-based tools and resources to help you integrate your faith into your daily business practices. Join Niqueea as she dives into the vision behind Dual Citizen and how its products—business Bible studies, reading plans, and more—are designed to help you align your business with God’s will and co-partner with Him in every decision you make.

She’ll share her passion for helping you apply biblical principles to your business, ensuring you operate with integrity, wisdom, and faith. Whether you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey or are a seasoned business owner, Dual Citizen is here to support and guide you with God’s Word as your foundation.

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